How to sell (and LIKE IT!)
Let me guess.
Even though you own a business, you're not always jazzed about selling.
I'm with you.
The only problem? If our businesses don’t make sales, we won't be in business for long!
So, what if I told you, “There IS a way to sell that doesn’t feel like selling”?
Would you be interested?
I thought so.
Business Made Simple University—the online platform created by StoryBrand to help leaders like us grow our businesses—recently released a new on-demand video course. It’s called The Customer Is the Hero.
The course is short. The content is revolutionary.
Rather than slick sales gimmicks and psychological tricks, it shows you how to invite your customers to live a better story.
The result is selling without high-pressure tactics. No more feeling slimy or “sales-y.”
When you use the simple 5-part framework presented in the course, you’ll start having sales conversations that are helpful instead of pushy.
Plus you’ll know how to create engaging sales letters that are incredibly effective.
See for yourself with these TWO great FREEBIES:
Here’s a link for a free trial subscription to BMSU. Use it for 7 days for free (NOTE: Your credit card will NOT be charged IF you cancel before the end of the trial.) But I'm guessing you will want to subscribe. Because when you do, you’ll get year-long access to 10 acclaimed courses—plus other "insider" workshops—that will give you the practical tips and steps you need to grow your business.
If you binge The Customer Is the Hero course, it will teach you how to use this free online sales script tool (no credit card required). Talk about cool! You can use it anytime (for free) to create talking points for an endless number of sales letters, sales presentations, etc.
My encouragement? In these dog days of summer, find a cool place and carve out a couple of hours. Take advantage of these great, free sales resources.
Here’s to selling that doesn’t feel like selling!