The 7 Deadly "Marketing" Sins
My stars! Researchers now claim that the average person is subjected to between 4,000 and 10,000 marketing messages a day!
(I'm learning I can reach my daily quota by spending just 15 minutes on Instagram.)
Most people have learned to tune out the noise. But a few companies manage to get our attention . . . and also our business. How?
Successful businesses get noticed—and get results—because they avoid these 7 deadly marketing sins:
1. Being shy about how they help customers
2. Drowning customers in information
3. Trying to be "clever" and "cute" and "cool" instead of clear
4. Talking obsessively about themselves
5. Using insider jargon and "business-speak"
6. Going "off-brand" or getting "off-message"
7. Wasting time and money on unproven marketing fads.
In the next few posts, I want to show you how to resist these that your marketing gets results.
Here's to your success!