Why are you telling yourself THAT?

When our two boys were small, we’d often hear our older son, alone in his room, chattering away.

His little brother would sigh and say, “Don’t worry. He’s just talking to his brain.”


We all do it—inwardly, if not out loud. As we move through the world, we instinctively narrate our lives.

Now, when our commentary is true and positive—self-talk is actually beneficial.

The problems come when we start putting a negative spin on events and situations.

For many business owners, this negative self-talk happens most commonly in the area of sales.

That’s why I love Catherine Brown’s list of “The 10 Lies That Keep You from Making More Sales.” (It’s from her outstanding book How Good Humans Sell, pp. 87-88.)

  1. People are too busy to talk with me.

  2. People aren’t calling me back because they prefer my competition.

  3. It’s too early in the day to contact prospects.

  4. It’s too late in the day to contact prospects.

  5. It’s Monday.

  6. It’s Friday.

  7. We’re on the cusp of a holiday, so it’s a bad time to call, email, etc.

  8. We just got back from a holiday, so it’s a bad time to call, email, etc.

  9. If they were interested, they’d call me. I’ve already tried twice, after all.

  10. If I reach out again, I’ll look sleazy/pushy/smarmy.

Ever tell yourself stuff like that? (I know I have.)

Catherine asks, “What if these things aren’t true at all?” 

Then she points out that when we believe limiting self-talk (like those silly statements above), we unwittingly limit our prospects’ choices “by making a decision for them.”

As you “talk to your brain” today, don’t tell yourself negative things that aren’t true. Especially when it comes to activities that will generate revenue for your business.

Here’s to positive self-talk!

Len Woods