5 brilliant Seth Rogen (uh, Seth GODIN) marketing observations

“I just listened to this podcast by Seth Godin!” I told my wife. “Dang! That guy’s a marketing genius!”

She looked at me with her shocked face. “The guy from Knocked Up does marketing?”

“Um, that’s Seth Rogen,” I said, trying not to snicker.

Easy mistake to make. But not really. Seth Rogen looks like a Hollywood screenwriter/comedic actor. (Probably because he is.)

Seth Godin, meanwhile, looks like a wizard. Fitting, because he spends his days saying really smart things that have a kind of magical power. 

Seth G. has a wildly popular blog. He’s authored 20 bestsellers. In 2018, he was inducted into the AMA Marketing Hall of Fame.

So, here for your Thursday enrichment, are 5 marketing mic drops from Seth Rogen (er, Godin). 

1. Show up.

“Frequency led to awareness, awareness to familiarity, and familiarity to trust. And trust, almost without exception, leads to profit.” From Permission Marketing

(This is why I'm sold on email marketing. Regular contact = eventual revenue!)

2. Be clear and simple.

“If you can’t state your position in eight words, you don’t have a position.” From Purple Cow

(In marketing, clarity and simplicity are your BFFs!)

3.  Solve problems.

“…as consumers, we’re too busy to pay attention to advertising, but we’re desperate to find good stuff that solves our problems.” From Purple Cow

(Talk incessantly about the obstacle you help customers overcome.)

4. Tap into feelings.

"People don't want what you make. They want the way it will make them feel…" From This Is Marketing

(Nobody wants “a life insurance policy.” But who doesn't want to feel financially secure?)

5. Help people transform.

“Marketing is the generous act of helping others become who they seek to become.” From This Is Marketing

(Speaking of life insurance, I recently bought a policy because I want to be “a more responsible husband.” Also because I love my wife…even if she doesn’t know Seth Godin from Seth Rogen.)

Here's to marketing like a wizard!

Len Woods