Can you build a business this way?
Can you succeed in business by encouraging good leads to go elsewhere?
Here’s why I ask: A few days ago, two young businessmen reached out to me for help with their messaging and marketing.
Sixty seconds into our Zoom call, I knew I wanted to work with these guys, for at least three reasons.
We hit it off.
I LOVE their business vision.
They’re huge StoryBrand fans.
But as I heard more, another StoryBrand Guide’s name and face popped into my mind. (He has a background that PERFECTLY aligns with what these guys are wanting to do.)
By the seven-minute mark, I had this unmistakable sense of “I could help these guys. But I think Matt could help them more.”
Ten minutes in, that impression became almost a command “Len, tell these guys about Matt.”
And so I did.
My “hot leads” seemed stunned. I, on the other hand, felt a strange surge of joy.
A day later, following my introduction, they copied me on their first email exchange.
I smiled so big I almost sprained my face! In my gut, I know they will do phenomenal things together.
Can you succeed in business by giving away hot leads?
I believe so for two reasons.
One, there’s plenty of work for everyone.
Two, it’s never wrong to do the right thing.
If I'm convinced someone else is better suited to help a potential client, why wouldn't I say that?