The grandaddy of "mission critical" emails

Don’t you hate marketing that sounds like this:

“Schedule a consult, and we’ll do some deep-dive growth-hacking. The new normal (post-COVID) requires leaders like us to level up our skills so we can move the needle—and keep others from moving the goalposts! This game-changing paradigm shift will be the win-win for…blah, blah, blah”


Please. For the love of the elephant in the room, how about we stop running things up the flagpole, pushing the envelope, and drilling down on all that low-hanging fruit?

Instead, let’s write clear, original copy.

Here are four ways to write better words in all your marketing efforts:

  1. Reject cliches. Instead of “at the end of the day,” how about “ultimately”?

  2. Renounce vague buzzwords like “hyperscale” or “convergence” or “digital transformation.” Nobody has a clue what terms like this mean.

  3. Say no to technical jargon (especially acronyms that only industry insiders would recognize).

  4. Remember the “Curse of Knowledge.” Just because YOU know all about your area of expertise, doesn’t mean your customer does. FACT: Using industry lingo confuses more than it impresses.

Give your customers clarity!