Marketing "Sin" #7: Is your messaging "all-over-the-map"?

Okay, let's be clear...

I’m NOT a Liberty Mutual Insurance customer.

And frankly, I'm not a big fan of their ad campaigns. An emu? Really?

All that aside, I’ve got the company’s brand message memorized:

“Only pay for what you need.”

I know it by heart—without even trying—because they say it in EVERY SINGLE COMMERCIAL (and they air a LOT of commercials).

"We're different," they're basically saying. "We won't try to sell you expensive insurance coverage you'll never use."

That’s the power of having a clear business message—and repeating it again and again: People memorize your offer!

Repetition is what “brands” your message into people’s brains.

Unfortunately, most companies don’t market like Liberty. They don’t have a consistent message. And they sure don't repeat it. As a result, they confuse (and lose) customers left and right.

You can avoid the marketing "sin" of “all-over-the-map” messaging by creating a clear narrative “script” for your business. 

It's easier than you think:

  1. Watch this three-minute YouTube video. It gives a concise overview of Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller. Then…

  2. Get and read the bestselling book. (NOTE: This is NOT an affiliate link. I don’t make money if you click it; however, you might lose money if you don’t.)

  3. Use the book and this free, ingenious tool to create a “BrandScript” that invites your ideal customers into a better story. With this clear narrative, you’ll have a solid business foundation, a clear marketing roadmap, and a secure set of guardrails. Oh, and more business too!

Wondering if your company's "narrative" is confusing would-be customers? Do this experiment:

Ask three people who are familiar with your business (e.g., your significant other, a long-time employee, a potential client, etc.) to explain your brand message in 15 seconds or less. If there's no consistency in their answers, you've got work to do!

Create a clear "script" for your business. Then stick to the script!