What good marketing copy can—and can't—do

Today businesses will spend millions of bucks on billions of WORDS.

  • Words for web pages, product descriptions, and sales scripts

  • Words to say on billboards and in video ads

  • Words for social media posts and email campaigns


Why do we business owners do this? Because we think:

If I can just talk about my products in EXACTLY THE RIGHT WAY, I can make customers want my products!

The only problem? Copywriting doesn't have that power.

Eugene Schwartz points out: “Copy cannot create desire for a product. It can only take the hopes, dreams, fears ...that already exist in the hearts of…people, and focus those already existing desires onto a particular product.”

If that’s true—and, news flash, it is true—we need this reminder of Joanna Wiebe, founder of Copyhackers:

“Your job is not to write copy. Your job is to know your visitors, customers and prospects so well, you understand the situation they’re in right now, where they’d like to be, and exactly how your solution can and will get them to their ideal self.”

Do you need good marketing words today? Absolutely.

But not “magical copy” that fills people with desire for your products. Instead, you need words that name what your customers already feel and want…and show them how your products can satisfy their desires.

Don't waste countless hours and endless bucks on the wrong words.

Instead, name the real longings your customers have...and point them to your proven solution.